UPDATE: A Christian Vision for Education in Scottish Schools

Published in Education

VisionJesus said "I have come that you may have life in all its fullness" (John 10:10). Education is integral to the ability to live life in all its fullness; Scotland's churches therefore have a deep and long term interest in education.

"A Christian Vision for Education in Scottish Schools" is an update of a document approved by the nine Member Churches of Action of Churches Together in Scotland in 2008, drawing on work initially developed in 2000. Writing in 2016, much has changed during this period. The challenges of globalisation, rapidly changing information technology and economic uncertainty mean that the debate will never be static; against this the call to live a "life in all its fullness" remains unchanging and just as relevant.

To download a copy of the updated "A Christian Vision for Education in Scottish Schools", please click here 


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Action of Churches Together in Scotland

Jubilee House

Forthside Way




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