
Scottish Churches Education Group

The Christian vision of education is founded upon an understanding of the human person as a unique individual, created in the image of God, worthy of respect and deserving to be nurtured in all his/her God-given talents, for self and for others.

The aim of the Scottish Churches Education Group is to engage pro-actively and re-actively to all matters concerning the Scottish Education system. One of the current areas of work concerns the provision of spiritual care in Further Education Colleges.

A sub group was set up to support and encourage chaplains in Further Education. This group has recently published a handbook that provides practical considerations for Colleges thinking of introducing a chaplaincy service as well as giving prospective chaplains themselves some food for thought.

Chaplains Handbook

The Church of Scotland Church & Society, Education Committee have developed a new resource entitled, "Guidance for School Chaplains" A copy of the resource can be downloaded here.

UPDATE: A Christian Vision for Education in Scottish Schools

Jesus said "I have come that you may have life in all its fullness" (John 10:10). Education is integral to the ability to live life in all its fullness; Scotland's churches therefore have a deep and long term interest in education. "A Christian Vision for Education in Scottish Schools" is…

A Handbook for Faiths in Further Education

Spiritual Care in Further Education - A Handbook for Faiths in Further Education Until recently, chaplaincies were largely a feature of the UK universities. In response to growing interest in the provision of spiritual care in the Further Education sector, and developments leading to a holistic approach to student care,…

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Action of Churches Together in Scotland

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