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CCTV and Electronic Monitoring - new forms of community justice?

Published in Community Justice

SurveillanceFaith group interest in criminal justice has traditionally been very prison-focused. Imprisonment will always be an important concern but there is much more to contemporary "community justice" on which faith groups could usefully ponder and speak. The Joint Faiths Board on Community Justice commends the following papers to you. We hope you will disseminate and discuss them at all levels of your organisation; the distribution is up to you. Neither are the final word on their subject - they are simply intended to invite reflection by people of faith on current ways of addressing crime in Scotland with which they may not be familiar. If your organisation wants more information in order to take discussion further, or to give us feedback, please contact Miriam Weibye

To download "CCTV and Community Safety in Glasgow", click here

To download "Electronically Monitoring Offenders in Scotland", click here